Control Your Rising Costs.

Automated cooking oil management gives you better control over your oil costs, fried food expenses, and insurance premiums.

Save up to 15% on Insurance Premiums

Eliminating hazardous oil management lowers risk and accidents.

Oil Icon

Lower Your Cooking Oil Costs

Web-based monitoring & filtration helps waste less oil and maximize oil life.

Save on Labor icon

Save on Labor

Save time by automating the slow, tedious process of hauling oil.

“For our RT customers, when we have been successful in helping our clients obtain premium credits on either their Package or Workers Comp policies, we’re averaging between 10-12% in annual insurance premium savings.

We’ve had a couple of instances where underwriters have given 25% or more in premium credits because the account had installed RT’s systems and they recognized the much lower exposures now present because of RT’s automated systems.

Pete McDonnell
Restaurant Technologies Insurance Consultant

“Cost of goods is a major impact on our business and money off of our bottom line. And thanks to the Total Oil Management system, we’ve seen a decrease in our oil costs of almost 2%, which is huge in this day where every penny counts in this business. We save $300 a month on oil for each of our locations.”

Mike Dole
Director of Operations for Trinity Corp.
Burger King franchisee

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