Our work is guided by a strong set of values that keep us grounded and focused on what is most important. At the heart of every decision we make is a set of five values: Customer, Character, Commitment, Courage, and Community. Each of the 5 C’s is vital to the culture of our organization. They remind us that our customers are our lifeblood and that showing character and commitment to each customer equally is of the utmost importance.

We value our relationships and strive to show that in everything we do. We also encourage our team to take initiative and be leaders in their businesses. This approach builds a strong Restaurant Technologies community that fosters dedicated, caring, diverse, and sustainable business practices.

Customer Icon


We exist to serve our customers. We treat both external and internal customers with prompt, consistent, and exemplary care.


We do what’s right with the utmost integrity and candidness – we do not waver. We are widely trusted, inclusive, and represent our company as such.

Commitment Icon


We are committed to both business and personal success, continuous improvement, and positive change.


To act, to speak, to participate, to dream, to decide, to take initiative, to lead. We do so with courage.

Community Icon


We are an inclusive community that cares and contributes.

Restaurant Technologies - Cooking Oil Delivery and Recycling for Commercial Kitchens by Restaurant Technologies Serving Customers Nationwide

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