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Category: Company News

How Remote Monitoring Can Transform Your Business

Restaurant Technologies, Inc. expects payback on its M2M-based remote monitoring solution in two years or less through reduced truck rolls and new service offerings. MINNEAPOLIS – January 28, 2013 Machine-to-machine (M2M)

Custom Burgers, Meet Consistent Fries

The Counter® boasts 312,000 burger options, but wants one fry for all MINNEAPOLIS – April 4, 2012 – Customer choice is the order of the day – every day –

EQT Purchasing RTI – EQT Press Release

EQT Infrastructure acquires Restaurant Technologies, Inc. (“RTI”), U.S. Market Leader in Cooking Oil Management Services RTI operates an infrastructure network of 36 depots and specialized rolling stock to provide oil

We’re Moving!

Restaurant Technologies, Inc (RTI) is proud to announce the move from our Headquarters in Eagan, MN to a newly refurbished, 60,000 square foot location in Mendota Heights, MN. The beautiful

Restaurant Technologies - Cooking Oil Delivery and Recycling for Commercial Kitchens by Restaurant Technologies Serving Customers Nationwide

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