Managing Oil Effectively

Fast food worker managing cooking oil effectively - Restaurant Technologies

Cooking oil is an important part of your foodservice business. Unfortunately, it doesn’t take care of itself.  

If you want golden, crispy deliciousness every day, your cooking oil needs to be managed. But who’s going to manage it? Your employees have their hands full, and you’ve got more important things to think about.  

To manage oil effectively, you need automated, end-to-end cooking oil management.

When Manual Oil Management Gets Out of Hand

With manual oil management, every step of the process is taken care of by a person. Inevitably,  someone forgets to order fresh oil, someone spills oil, someone slips and falls, one person disposes of the oil too soon, another person disposes of the oil too late, and no one wants to filter it…meanwhile you’re dealing with injuries, inefficiencies, and inconsistent food quality. 

Always on Cooking Oil Management Puts You Back in Control

With Total Oil Management, every step of the cooking oil process is taken care of automatically.  Our end-to-end cooking oil management solution puts you back in control with:  

  • Regular, dependable fresh bulk cooking oil delivery 
  • Filtering + oil usage monitoring and reporting 
  • Easy oil disposal
  • Used cooking oil pick-up and recycling

Save on Your Insurance Premiums.

Get end-to-end cooking oil management & clean hood solutions to help you create a safer, more successful business.

Custom SOPs for Your Operation

Oil management is not a one-size-fits all situation. For example, a fried chicken QSR goes through oil much faster than an independent restaurant with a few fried menu items. Establishing and following standard operating procedures for your business is essential for getting optimal performance out of your oil.

With Total Oil Management’s web-based filtration monitoring system, proprietary sensors are placed inside your fryers and the system is configured to match your filtration standard operating procedures.

Knowledge is Power 

Regular and timely oil filtration is key to getting the most out of your oil. With Total Oil  Management, oil levels and frequency of filtering are monitored remotely through a  sophisticated sensor system, so you receive regular reports that show oil usage and quality. If an employee neglects the filtering process or disposes of good-quality oil too soon,  management is alerted, ensuring that you always know what’s happening in your kitchen. 

With automated, end-to-end cooking oil management, your oil is finally taken care of. Your crew is more productive, your kitchen is safer, your food tastes great, and your mind is on more important things.

Restaurant Technologies - Cooking Oil Delivery and Recycling for Commercial Kitchens by Restaurant Technologies Serving Customers Nationwide

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