RTI Gold

RTI Gold

When it comes to cooking oil, the options can sometime feel debilitating. From extra virgin olive oil to canola to tallow, each cooking oil is unique in its quality, smoke point, and best uses.  

Restaurant Technologies (RTI) Gold cooking oil, a proprietary recipe preferred by many of the 45,000 nationwide customers, stands out as an excellent choice for frying, providing numerous benefits for commercial kitchens. It has a longer life in the fryer than traditional clear soy oil, offering a cost-effective solution. This longevity translates into reduced oil replacement frequency, saving customers money over time while maintaining consistent frying quality. 

RTI Gold also boasts a notably higher smoke point compared to many cooking oils meaning it can withstand higher temperatures before breaking down, making it ideal for deep frying and ensuring crispy, golden results without the risk of burning or imparting off-flavors to the food. 

One of the standout features of RTI Gold is its exceptionally neutral flavor profile. Unlike some oils that can impart their own taste to fried foods, RTI Gold allows the natural flavors of ingredients to shine through. This neutrality makes it a versatile choice for a wide range of dishes, from delicate seafood to hearty fried chicken, without altering the intended flavors of the cuisine. 

Lastly, RTI Gold offers all these benefits at a competitive price point when compared to boutique oils that offer similar performance. This makes it both a practical choice for frying applications and an economical one, providing excellent value without compromising on quality or performance. For foodservice customers, RTI Gold stands as a reliable option for achieving consistently delicious fried foods. 

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