Commercial Kitchen Safety

Maximize your kitchen’s safety through automation.

Effective Commercial Kitchen Safety Prevents Injuries And Saves Money

No one wants their employees to get injured on the job. Considering the current climate of labor shortages and rising premiums, no one can afford it to happen, either. Total Oil Management can help you take control of your kitchen safety and reduce the risk of costly employee injuries.

Safer Kitchens = Greater Productivity

Back-of-house workers typically have to lug 35-pound jugs of oil to the fryer, manually top off filtered oil, and clean up hot oil spills. Instead of creating delicious food and performing meaningful tasks, these tasks add up to wasted time and a dangerous recipe for slips, falls, and burns.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 31% of reported injuries in food service establishments resulted in days away from work. Total Oil Management automates the entire dangerous process of cooking oil handling, keeping your employees safer and more productive.

Safer Kitchens = Savings In Workers’ Comp

Not only do injuries result in staffing shortage headaches, they’re also costly. In fact, the average cost per worker compensation claim is just over $42,000, according to the National Safety Council (NSC). Burns, slips, and falls are even costlier than average: Burn incidents average over $58,000; while slips and falls average over $47,000.

It’s only common sense that reducing or eliminating these types of injuries saves money.

Safer Employees = Engaged Employees

Dealing with hot, messy cooking oil is one of the most dreaded tasks in any commercial kitchen. And no wonder: Not only is it a real time waster, but it’s also potentially dangerous.

Employees who feel safe because they’re free from these onerous tasks are inevitably more engaged. And in a tight labor market, retention is critical to your bottom line.

The 411 On Risk Management

To maximize your commercial kitchen safety, keep these tips in mind:

Automated Cooking Oil Delivery and Recycling for Safer Restaurants - Restaurant Technologies

Prioritize training

Make sure your employees understand the safe operation of all equipment and are well versed in safe procedures and protocols.

Encourage discussion

Foster an environment where employees feel safe asking questions about any process or procedure they’re not sure about.

Minimize risk

The most dangerous jobs in the kitchen have one thing in common: cooking oil. Total Oil Management automates oil handling, allowing your employees to safely focus on being productive.

Check out our Kitchen Safety 101 to get a more in-depth look at safety and training for your restaurant, plus our “Menu for Prevention” checklist.

To avoid injuries in a kitchen, it’s important to know what the most common injuries are.

Mishandling cooking oil is a common cause of burns and slip hazards.

Burns are one of the most common injuries in a restaurant kitchen.

Preventing injury in higher-ed facilities boils down to proper safety protocol.

Here are five proven ways to keep costs down by preventing safety incidents.

Slips and falls are one of the most common accidents in a restaurant kitchen.

Download our eBook to learn what you can do to reduce your risk of fire.

Here are some simple tips for preventing accident and injury.

Take the first step to reducing risk behind the deli counter today.

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