
Our automated solutions help achieve your business goals.

Every IHOP customer expects their fries to taste the same way they tasted last time. Amazing. Restaurant Technologies helps you achieve better food quality and more by transforming oil management from problematic to automatic.

  • Create more consistent food quality
  • Improve staff safety and morale
  • Protect your business by reducing risk
  • Increase efficiency

Over 45,000 commercial kitchens nationwide agree that Total Oil Management and AutoMist help control the kitchen chaos.

We've Got Your Back-of-House.

“… Restaurant Technologies delivered what they promised and the food both tastes and looks better.”

Tariq Munir  •  Owner of 31 IHOP locations

Total Oil Management

Eliminate the manual handling of cooking oil through an automated solution that delivers, stores, filters, monitors, and removes oil.

  • Custom system installation that works with your equipment
  • Dependable bulk cooking oil delivery
  • Hands-off remote monitoring of filtration and oil usage
  • Removal and recycling of used oil
  • All-in-one efficient system that transforms your back-of-house

“First there was an issue with somebody getting burned when taking the hot oil out, and then the issue of lifting heavy buckets of used oil.” Prior to automating the process with Restaurant Technologies, IHOP had numerous workers’ compensation claims related to oil incidents, but one year later, they have dropped to zero, Munir notes. “We’ve also sent that data to our insurance company to see if our premiums can be reduced,” Munir stated.

Tariq Munir  •  Owner of 31 IHOP locations

Restaurant Technologies - Cooking Oil Delivery and Recycling for Commercial Kitchens by Restaurant Technologies Serving Customers Nationwide

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