Used Cooking Oil & Grease Disposal

Automate waste cooking oil removal

Recycle all cooking oil into biofuel

We Love To Do What Your Employees Hate

Used cooking disposal is a dreaded task that is riddled with risk and deflates morale. According to the Burn Foundation, nearly 12,000 reported burns occur every year among restaurant employees, the highest number of any employment sector. Our automated solution reduces that risk and takes the burden off you and your staff.



  • Our technicians pump out used cooking oil from your used oil tanks and into our truck.
  • We bring the leftover oil from your commercial kitchen back to our depots where it’s taken to be recycled into renewable fuel.
Oil Disposal

Our solution takes the burden off you and your staff.

Our solution takes the burden off you and your staff.


  • Removes the need to manually dispose of leftover cooking oil, therefore greatly reducing the risk of spills, slips and burns.
  • Increases staff morale by removing an arduous task.
  • Outsourcing your disposal and having your oil recycled saves time and labor.
  • Reduces waste and pests by keeping frying oil out of trash cans and sewer drains.
  • Provides a more sustainable solution by recycling the waste cooking oil of your commercial kitchen into biodiesel or renewable fuels.

Control the Kitchen Chaos

Learn more about Total Oil Management.


Oil Removal & Recycling - Frequently Asked Questions

Our recycling process begins with the collection of used kitchen oil by our technicians, who pump it from your storage tanks into specialized trucks. The oil is then transported to the nearest recycling depots, where it undergoes filtration and purification to remove impurities. Once cleaned, the oil is converted into biodiesel or other renewable fuels, which are utilized in various industries. This comprehensive process ensures efficient recycling, promoting sustainability and reducing environmental impact.

By automating the disposal process, the need for manual handling is eliminated, significantly reducing the risk of spills, slips, and burns, creating a safer work environment.

Our service caters to independent restaurants, commercial kitchens, and large national franchise chains, ensuring tailored solutions to meet diverse needs.

By recycling used cooking oil into biodiesel and renewable fuels, the service promotes environmental sustainability and reduces the carbon footprint of your kitchen operations. Our service is trusted by leading brands like Burger King, Jack in the Box, and KFC, among others.

Trusted by the World's Leading Brands

From independents to national chains, we’ve got your back-of-house.



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Restaurant Technologies - Cooking Oil Delivery and Recycling for Commercial Kitchens by Restaurant Technologies Serving Customers Nationwide

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